List of Features
- Visual Composer compatible
- Supports pages
- 2 Filtering types (classic isotope and opacity change)
- 4 default styles (FLEX, DOOR, VARIO, DELUX).
- Reponsive grid layout or horizontally slider layout (up to 10 columns)
- Flexible, percent based grid system with customizable vertical and horizontal spaces
- Optional responsivity with custom settings
- Huge Admin Panel. with tons of options
- Unlimited portfolios
- Unlimited custom post types
- Works with your existing custom post types and regular blog posts, attachments and pages
- Custom category and tag taxonomy support for attahcments
- Visual gallery builder (adding, removing multiple images, sorting via Drag and Drop)
- WPML support
- WooCommerce support - Product showcase
- Advanced post query options to show posts, setting the limit and order of the posts, filtering by taxonomies and terms
- Different thumbnail and lightbox types:
- Image (JPG, PNG, GIF)
- Video (Vimeo, Youtube, Screenr, Dailymotion, Metacafe)
- Audio (Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Beatport) - Thumbnail and lightbox image size selecting options using your existing images
- Thumbnail aspect ratio settings option to use the their default aspect ratio or a custom one
- Built-in Template & Style editor with adding, editing, importing options
- System and Google Web Font (650+ fonts) support
- Translation ready with .mo .po files
- Advanced Import & Export settings
- Supports all modern browsers (including IE9)
- Compatible with the latest WordPress version (currently 4.4)